SPRING LAKE GOLF CLUB is a private golf club based out of Spring Lake, New Jersey. Very few institutions to which one holds allegiance offer a pedigree that dates back over a century. As Spring Lake Golf Club approaches the 125th anniversary of its founding, a good read of its “story” should be of keen interest to members, golf historians, and indeed simply to observers of “the times.“ The events of the Twentieth Century; the dawning and full out rush of the Twenty First; the promise and challenges of what’s to come – quite a span for sure and hardly benign. The story of Spring Lake Golf Club encompasses it all. The people who led and navigated the period and the events that took place are part and parcel of our legacy. Surviving two World Wars, a Great Depression and a more recent one that didn’t feel so great either was challenging. Our thriving club today is a testimony to those who’s dedication and guidance were essential in those times and carry forward to our equally dedicated members and leadership teams today.