EcoPoint, Inc. is a technologically advanced environmental and geospatial firm. EcoPoint provides: Geospatial Development and Analysis, Biological Monitoring, Baseline Environmental and Biological Studies, and Restoration Plan Development. EcoPoint employs an experienced team of Biologists, GIS Experts, Regulatory & NEPA Specialists, Restoration Scientists, Soil Scientists, and Engineers. EcoPoint is a business partner with Esri and Juniper Systems, both are leaders in the geospatial technology industry.
● Biological Monitoring – Regulatory Survey Protocols, Special Status Plant Inventories, Vegetative Mapping,
Invasive Species Surveys.
● Site Assessment – Phase 1 Environmental Site, NPDES, SWPPP, Baseline and Trend Monitoring, Soil Survey’s,
and Deep Soil Sampling and Analysis.
● Monitoring Plan Development and Implementation – Post Disturbance Study Design (air, water, soil and
vegetative) and application.
● Geospatial Technologies– Strategic Planning, Enterprise Geospatial Development, System Architecture, Data
Collection, and Process Automation.
● Unmanned Aerial System Services – Mapping, Plant Health, Species Detection, Site Condition, and Volume