The basic activities of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split involve teaching, research, development, professional work and innovation in the areas of technical sciences, including Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering and Natural Sciences. With approximately 2500 students/year, more than 12000 graduated students in 60 years of existence and more than 250 employees, FESB has grown into recognized and highly respectable educational and research institution.
The FESB offers undergraduate university study programmes in Electrical Engineering an Information technology, Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Industrial Engineering, and undergraduate vocational study programmes in Electrical Engineering, Computing, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. All undergraduate study programmes last for six semesters.
The FESB also offers graduate university study programmes in: Control and Systems, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Communication and Information Technology, Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture. All graduate study programmes last for four semesters.
The FESB offers Ph.D. degree programs in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.