We deliver authorized consultancy services and training courses within leadership, health and safety. We bring 30 years of industry experience and the newest knowledge to our customers within construction, manufacturing, services industries and the public sector.
Our vision is to help our customers to maintain and develop the unique nordic working culture. A culture of team players committed to help customers, citizens or fellow workers even when the assignments falls outside the official job description.
We believe this culture flourish in companies whom integrate the values of business focus, prevention and proper behavior. It is values we care for ourselves and we strive for using them every day internally as well as in our contact with our customers.
Human Resources Services, Business Consultancy, Business Services
HQ Location
Dynamovej 11, 2.th
Herlev, 2860 Søborg, DK
Psykisk arbejdsmiljøledertræningteknisk arbejdsmiljøergonomi - indretning af arbejdspladsenindeklimasikkerhedsundhedstjekhelbredskontrol v. natarbejdearbejdsmiljøkurserHealth and Safety