SriBioAesthetics, Hyderabad is engaged in the Businessof R&D with special reference to developing products based on plant microbiomes for soil and plant health management. The company is established by a seasoned Agri-entrepreneur with an aim to develop innovative agricultural inputs for integrated crop management with special reference to improve nutrient use efficiency by the crop plants, mitigate abiotic&biotic stress environments utilizing soil, plant and insect microbiomes. The ultimate aim of the company is to develop cost effective delivery systems (products) for sustainable agriculture. SriBioAesthetics was registered in year 2016; the R&D activities were commenced from the year 2017 after the establishment of a microbiology lab and production unit. The R&D team scouted across different agroclimatic conditions around the country to collected 200 microbiome samples from all the major crops, isolated and characterized hundreds of microbes and established a Functional Microbial Bank. The microbial bank has a total of 882 microbial strains; all were tested for and passed different functions like nutrient use efficiency, plant-growth-promoting characters, disease suppression functions, insect pest control& abiotic stress mitigation.22 microbial strains were registered under NCBI and 5 of these are submitted in MTCC under Budapest treaty. Recognizing the significance of our vast microbial bank and expertise in translational research many public and private institutions like ICAR-CSSRI, IIMR, IIOR, IIRR, ICRISAT, UoH and Amity University have come forward for collaborations for joint research programs. We have 4 on-going independent andcollaborative national projects fully funded by DST and DBT under different funding schemes like BIG,PACE,SBIRI and 1 international Indo-Uzbekistan Project focusing of different problems associated with different cropping systems. Alongside these,we have collaborative self-funded research projects with 3major ICAR institution