Animated Storyboards is the largest full-service independent animatic company in the world, going strong since 2001. Our team is comprised of over 300 Illustrators, Animators, Directors, Designers, Editors, Producers, Compositors, Visual Effects Artists, Motion Capture specialists, and Sound Engineers, each hand-picked and trained in our unique workflow.
With our 13 studios throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia, we deliver speedy turnaround and spot-on execution. We use the most advanced Cinematic Technology in the industry, including an impressive 8,000 square foot Motion Capture (MoCap) Studio in Brooklyn, NY, and a render farm with over 2,000 rendering nodes in use 24/7. Combined with a vast library of 3D Characters, Backgrounds and Props handcrafted over the years, there are no limits to what we can create.
Our customers include over 300 Global Advertisers and Consumer Brands, ranging from some of the largest International Advertising Agencies, to small but mighty Boutique Ad Agencies. By employing local teams in every advertising market, we offer a cultural match with your team, which enhances brand awareness and provides an affordable yet truly global testing product, so you can get the best possible results for your creative.
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