The GamesForest.Club is a non-profit company, based in Berlin (Germany), which supports the Games- and Creative Industries to actively invest in carbon absorption via planting and protecting forests. Our goal is to protect and restore nature with the power of gaming and together with the good hearts and minds of our industry.
We know that game mechanics can change behavior and that when we measure and manage our impact and show it in a playful way (that’s why we created the gamesforest as digital twin) that it can make fun to fight climate change.
We see a huge interest and already engagement for the climate change challenge in the games industry. With the GamesForest.Club we want to cover the engagement of the whole games industry. All restoration activities in real life will be therefore shown in the digital twin “gamesforest” to keep track playfully on the support of the games industry against climate change.
This is what we want to offer with the GamesForest.Club, so join us and let us go on this heroe’s journey together!