Netacent was founded in 2013 with the mission of bringing the best core Unemployment Insurance (UI) solutions to State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) across the nation. Netacent was formed from many of the contractors and former state employees who were responsible for the successful UI modernization effort in the state of Idaho.
Netacent has taken this experience and created a brand new system, built from the ground up to leverage Cloud Computing and a Software-as-a-Service delivery model. The result is the Data Station UI Platform. The Data Station is a modular, cloud-based platform which enables SWAs to save money through increased payment accuracy and reduced IT and training costs. The Data Station is a thoroughly modernized system that allows SWAs to perform their work with unprecedented automation and accuracy.
Additionally, the Data Station UI Platform provides a robust, performant API gateway which allows 3rd-party vendors as well as SWAs to add modules to the platform 'library'. The Data Station provides the extensibility and vendor independence to assure SWAs that their investment is secure.