For close to three Decades our team at team leadership services have been providing accredited users with internationally recognized profile reports. These profile reports are specifically targeted to develop and aid understanding in differing workplace behaviors, like leadership and teamwork, as well as profiles focusing on emotional, social and strategic intelligence.
Currently operating in both the public and private sectors, the bulk of our offerings are conducted within Australasia and the UK however our profiles are available internationally.
Thanks to the Multi-rater nature of these profiles not only do they show how someone’s workplace behaviors are perceived by themselves but also how their peers, subordinates and supervisors see their workplace skills. Developed by Dr Paul Robinson and his team, these profiles are built upon years of research and as such can reliably measure certain leadership traits that are universal in the workplace.
Accreditation in these profiles can be done either in person, or online to accommodate those with limited time. Once accredited not only will you have access to the Profiles but also to multiple resources that aid in understanding and our world class facilitators who are available to answer any queries or questions you may have.