Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA) is a Registered Organisation with the Chartered Institute of Archaeologists based In Kirkwall, Orkney.
We are a team of experienced archaeological consultants, field archaeologists and academics, and have extensive experience of working with developers to design, manage and deliver archaeological evaluations, excavations, monitoring programmes, geophysical surveys, desk-based assessments, historic building recording, landscape and topographic surveys and a full suite of environmental archaeological assessment and analysis.
We operate across the Northern Isles, Western Isles, the north of Scotland and further afield, we offer both terrestrial and marine (in partnership with SULA diving) historic environment services.
We work closely with a wide range of clients including from the renewable energy (recent and current projects include the West of Orkney Windfarm and the Pentland Offshore Floating Windfarm), electricity transmission, oil and gas sectors, and local developers.
We have an in-house capability for creating 3D models of finds, structures and landscapes; undertaking terrestrial geophysical surveys, topographic and landscape surveys, environmental archaeology, palaeoenvironmental and geoarchaeological assessment and analysis, heritage strategies, conservation management plans, heritage impact assessments, desk-based assessment and environmental impact assessment reports for the historic environment (terrestrial and marine).
Research Services, Geological, geotechnical, geochemical engineering consultants, Technical offices and engineering consultancies, architects, IT, Internet, R&D, Archaeological services consultants
HQ Location
Orkney College, East Rd
Kirkwall, KW15 1LX, gb
archaeologyconsultingGISarchaeological fieldworkarchaeological excavationarchaeological geophysicspalaeoenvironmentarchaeological researchdesk based assessmentwatching brief