COMOP (Commodity Optimization) is focused on doing more with less resources in a world of increasing scarcity.
By continuing their investments in AgriTech businesses that reduce water, fertilizers, manures, labour there is the blended benefit of optimization of scarce resources and the environmental benefit of reducing contaminants to land, water and sea.
By continuing their investments in AgriTech businesses that produce more protein, tonnage per hectare etc there is the reduction of price of commodities and related relief of food and reduction in poverty and hunger.
This will form the main focus of COMOP Ventures.
COMOP Projects are projects we are undertaking that will apply these technologies to achieve the reduction or elimination of carbon to the atmosphere in a number of ways.
COMOP Trading will then create related carbon credits, list and trade these credits with a commitment to 'give back' to the communities that help generate them.
The business is for profit and we fundamentally believe that the best route to creation of a financial services sector focused on Commodity Optimization is the ability to achieve profits whilst creating a fairer world.