If you’re considering hiring a Thomas Aquinas College graduate, you may have some questions, such as:
What is a classical liberal education?
What was my job candidate’s major?
Why should I hire a Thomas Aquinas College graduate?
Thomas Aquinas College’s program of classical liberal education covers all seven of the traditional disciplines — mathematics, natural science, language, literature, music, philosophy, and theology. Our students don’t read textbooks, but the original works of the greatest minds of Western civilization, such as Newton, Einstein, Aristotle, Shakespeare, and St. Thomas Aquinas, to name only a few. The College has received the highest academic rankings from The Princeton Review, U.S. News & World Report, Kiplinger, Forbes, and various other college guides.
The College does not offer any major or minors. All students study the same integrated curriculum that spans the major arts and sciences. That curriculum includes four years of science and mathematics, with enough credit hours to qualify, at most colleges and universities, for a double major in philosophy and theology with a minor in mathematics,
Why should you hire a Thomas Aquinas College graduate? The College’s one-of-a-kind academic program does not simply teach students a set of skills; it equips them with the ability to quickly learn *any* skill set. Working through our rigorous curriculum, they develop the habits of diligence and perseverance, the discipline of analytical thinking, and the tools of excellent communication and ethical decision-making. In our small classes, where discussions are focused, intense, and sometimes contentious, they also learn to work as teams toward a single goal — the pursuit of truth.
Consider the following testimonials from other employers:
“Because of their experience with the seminar method, the College’s alumni are uniquely adept at solving problems and working cooperatively.” — Dr. Thomas R. Krau...