Leading competence in career, events and networking management.
We deliever state-of-the-art platform-solutions for higher education instiutions to manage and secure one of your key assest: your networks with Talents, Corporates & ALumnis.
Career Services
Make the most of your network & your Career Services department with iTalent. Start, establish & shape your career’s community with iTalent, our professional customer and community management tool for a great experience of your service by students and recruiters: Easy, quick and convenient for your students, your recruiters and…you!
Alumni Relations
Bring your Alumni Departement to the next level with iAlumni, our professional customer and community management tool for a great experience of your services by alumnis and partners: Easy, quick and convenient for your alumnis, your partners and… you!
Education Administration Programs, Internet services, Information technology (IT) and Internet, IT, Internet, R&D
HQ Location
Rosenbergstrasse 60
St. Gallen, SG 9000, CH
Community ManagementHigher EducationCareer Servicesand Alumni Relations