Schaeffer’s Investment Research’s contrarian trading approach focuses on stocks with technical and fundamental trends that run counter to investor expectations. Adding quantified sentiment indicators at the individual equity level gives Schaeffer's Investment Research subscribers a trading edge over all others. We call this proven, award-winning methodology expectational analysis. Nearly 40 years ago, Bernie Schaeffer engaged a fledgling options industry with his visionary approaches to trading options. Today, Bernie Schaeffer leads investors toward profit-making strategies with a combination of analytics, commentary, education, and well-timed trades. Bernie Schaeffer's unique approach, encapsulated in his award-winning Expectational Analysis, has made Bernie Schaeffer one of the most respected market analysts in the world. His independence has earned him and his staff at Schaeffer’s Investment Research a trusted position in the market, helping subscribers trade more confidently and make money in all market conditions. Schaeffer's Investment Research was founded in 1981 and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.