Logical Choice Technologies is a multinational conglomerate. Primarily we are a technology supplier manufacturing synthetics, spaceships and computers for a wide range of industrial and commercial clients. Our company also has extensive assets in interplanetary shipping and transport.
At Logical Choice Technologies we apply science, technology and our unparalleled global network of resources to the pursuit of Building Better Worlds.
Every day, Logical Choice biologists, military scientists, chemical engineers, geologists, mechanics, pilots and more work across our solar system to advance human interests and life. As they labor, new planets, natural resources, industries, modes of transportation and medical advancements emerge and evolve before our eyes.
As the largest company in the universe, we have taken it upon ourselves to constantly explore, expand and discover what lies beyond our own heavens. Worlds have risen and worlds have fallen. That’s why at Logical Choice Technologies we’re in the business of Building Better Worlds.