Patrice Gauthier
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Work Experience
Human Resources Director And Facilities Manager
Jul 2003 - Jul 2018 · 15 years
Company Details
About UVCW: At the local authorities' service The object of the Union of Cities and Municipalities is to represent all the local authorities of the Walloon Region in their competence. It promotes their actions and their autonomy, and thus the local democracy principle established by the Belgian Constitution and the European Charter of Local Autonomy. Its general assembly is composed of the 262 municipalities of Wallonia, all of which are members of the association. Its representativity is therefore unquestionable. It so defends efficiently local interests at all power levels: regional, community, federal and European, through tight contacts with the ministers and their advisers, the administrations and all the Members of Parliament. All the members of the association can resort to the services of the Union of Cities and Municipalities of Wallonia in all matters that concern them. Through its missions, the association is federative, working for a humane future for Wallonia. Like a forum where democracy finds its way through the mixing up of ideas, it shows solidarity, it is always in motion, which reflects its role as a union.
Year Founded
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Government Relations Services, Trade associations, International organisations, administrations and associations, Education, Training & Organisations, Employers associations
HQ Location
Rue de l'Etoile, 14 Namur, Région wallonne 5000, BE
Conseils et aide à la gestionDéfense des pouvoirs locauxFormationsPublications spécifiquesand Assistance-conseil
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