Dipdive is a Lifestyle Engine for Music, Arts, Action & More. In addition to flagship artists, such as the Black Eyed Peas, Dipdive is home to variety of creative content and social causes. Check out DailyDips, a daily program covering Comedy, Music, Fashion, Sports and Film.
As a new media network, Dipdive will redefine artist/fan and content owner/consumer relationships through interactive on and offline connectivity. As a Lifestyle Engine, Dipdive will set the tone, taking the lead and establishing what others will follow. It will rely on key influencers, tastemakers, to set the trends that everyone will be talking about.
Dipdive, however, will not merely be a content provider pushing content to users. As a Lifestyle Engine, Dipdive will enhance the content experience. It will support a fluid expression of creativity, allowing artists and content owners to freely evolve the idea of their work in ever-expanding collections.
Look out for new creative content with a message from musicians, artists, photographers, entertainers and more.