As individual and special as coffee may be, it is a globally traded commodity. Unlike other big trading companies, we trade in coffee only – qualities from low grade to high end as well as green and instant coffee. Virtually no one knows coffee the way we do. We bring together decades of experience and progressive knowhow about the product and the international coffee markets.
Specialists in all departments have evolved into a multidisciplinary team in order to offer tailor-made services from a single source. These include:
- sourcing of freshly harvested coffee in origins,
- export in close collaboration with local partners,
- seamless shipping and delivery processes,
- tailor-made logistics and financing concepts.
We offer green coffee and processed coffee in a wide range of varieties and qualities and originating from more than 15 countries. Sustainability and Ethical Trading are an essential part of our business.
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International Trade and Development, Tea, Drinks, Food & Related Products, Kaffeebohnen (Plantagenerzeugnisse), Landwirtschaft und Forstwirtschaft, Landwirtschaft & Nahrungsmittel, Kaffee und Kaffee-Ersatz, Nahrungsmittel, Wholesale trade