Uw koffiespecialist/groothandel voor HORECA, MKB en Retail. Van koffiebonen, vriesdroog, koffiepads, cacao,s & toppings.
Your wholesaler for ground coffee, coffee beans, instant coffee, coffee pads & cups(for all systems), only B2B !
More then coffee 35 brands like Caffe Vegnano, Pellini, Caffe New York, Lucaffé, Illy, Bristot, Danesi Caffe, Caffé Mauro, Kimbo, Lavazza, Segafredo, Jacobs, Melitta, Tchibo, Eduscho, Granda, Cafe Royal, Schirmer, Dallmayr, Minges, Käfer, Gina, Idee, Eilles, Cafe Intencion, Mövenpick & Julius Meinl.
And also a lot of coffeepads & Cups for Nespresso
Wholesale, Food, beverages and tobacco (wholesale), General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Tabak en tabaksproducten, Voedsel, Landbouw & Voeding, Tobacco and tobacco products, Food, Agriculture & Food
HQ Location
Strootsweg 18
Enschede, Overijssel 7547, NL