IEEE activities in Kerala were formally initiated on 17 February 1975 as a subsection under the then India Section. Kerala subsection became part of the Bangalore Section in 1976 upon formation of India Council, and later, it became a full Section in 1983.
From the outset, IEEE Kerala Section has been noted for its vibrant activities. Several innovations from IEEE Kerala Section in organizing activities for students as well as professionals have been appreciated and replicated by the global IEEE community. Winner of MGA Large Section Award in 2015 and Region 10 (Asia Pacific) Outstanding Large Section Award in 2004, 2009 and 2015, IEEE Kerala Section has been organizing high quality, high impact technical events including several international conferences in the recent past.
The Humanitarian Technology initiative (which later led to formation of SIGHT), the first ever IEEE Job Fair for Undergraduate Students, the formation of LINK (Local Integrated network of Kerala) – a framework connecting all the Student branches in the Section, which has been replicated globally, and the coining of “Joy of Volunteering”, have been some of the humble initiatives that trace back its root to Kerala Section.
With a sum total of 1050+ reported activities in 2016 and 720+ in 2015, the vibrancy of IEEE Kerala Section is at pioneering front. Well supported by the different AGs – Young Professionals. WIE and Life Members, they form the backbone of some of the major activities in the Section. The presence of 10 Technical Societies add a technical focus to the community and provide them with a dimensional focus.