Dompet Dhuafa adalah lembaga nirlaba milik masyarakat dunia yang berkhidmat mengangkat harkat sosial kemanusiaan kaum dhuafa dengan dana ZISWAF (Zakat, Infak, Sedekah, dan Wakaf) serta dana lainnya yang halal dan legal dari perorangan, kelompok, perusahaan/ lembaga. Awal didirikan di Indonesia pada bulan Juli 1993, saat ini memiliki cabang di China (Hong Kong), Jepang, Australia, Amerika Serikat dan Korea Selatan.
Dompet Dhuafa, literally means ‘the wallet of the poor’, are a non-profit organisation belongs to global society that strives for global social empowerment. Its goal is to improve the social levels of the poorest around the world by managing Islamic philanthropies such as Zakat, Infaq/ Sadaqa, Waqf and other halal and legal funds obtained from individual, group or corporation donors. It was founded in Indonesia in July of 1993, currently it has branches throughout the globe; in China (Hong Kong), Japan, Australia, the United States of America and Australia, and Korea (South).