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Work Experience
Dirigente Di Ricerca
Sep 2021 - Present · 3 years and 3 months
WaveBreaking Physics
Scientific Consultant
Feb 2011 - Present · 13 years and 10 months
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, CNR
Ricercatore Td
Company Details
The Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) project is one of the most prestigious research infrastructures in the world due to its unique state–of-the-art equipment. Implemented by the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei (IFIN HH), ELI-NP has been designated by the Nuclear Physics Collaboration Committee of the European Science Foundation (NuPECC) as a major facility in the Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan. The ELI-NP finalized successfully the commissioning of the High Power Laser System (HLPS), the most powerful laser in the world. The ELI-NPHPLS is now delivering the 2 x 10PW @ 1 shot per minute, 2 x 1 PW @ 1Hz and the 2 x 100 TW @ 10 Hz pulses and the first commissioning experiments are under implementation. The success of the HPLS implementation is the result of an excellent collaboration between ELI-NP and Thales.
Year Founded
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Research Services
HQ Location
Strada Reactorului 30 Măgurele, Ilfov 077125, RO
1. The High Power Laser System (HPLS) and the Laser Beam Transport System LBTS are key components of the ELI-NP facility. \2. The Gamma Beam System at ELI-NP defines a new state–of–the–art gamma beam facility.3. The activity of the Laser Driven Experiments Department (LDED) group is focused on the study of nuclear physics phenomena which are driven by the high power laser interaction with matter.4. The unique parameters of the ELI-NP gamma beams in terms of high spectral density and high polarizability open a new avenue for photonuclear research (Gamma Driven Experiments Department).5. Laser Gamma Experiments Department (LGED) at ELI-NP proposes experimental setups in the E7 and E4 experimental areas to tackle problems of fundamental physicstaking advantage of the unique configuration and characteristics of the new research infrastructure to be constructed in MagureleRomania.6. The Technical Division offers support for the implementation and operation of the big equipment (HPLSLBTSthe VEGA system) and for the integration and operation of the experimental set-ups.
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