Metzano is an Anglo-American direct marketing service making expert use of LinkedIn resources. It operates many LinkedIn groups for the HR profession, including Linked:HR, the largest single-profession group on LinkedIn with 968,000 members.
In addition to Linked:HR, Metzano also operates a large number of other Groups relating to specific aspects of HR. These include Organizational Development & Training (51k members) HR Technologies Forum (43k) Talent Acquisition Forum (40k) and many others.
For several years, Metzano managers have been sending individual, personalized emails to carefully-selected members of these HR groups. This is within LinkedIn Terms of Service because it is a manual process targeted just at members of the groups we manage.
The email campaigns are relatively small scale, with precisely targeted audiences of 250 – 2,000 people. Because these recipients are interested in the content, wastage levels are very low. Metzano does not want to ‘bombard’ anyone, so it does not send more than one email a month to any individual