DTU Library is a leading, user-oriented and innovative university library that benefits DTU. Our mission is rooted in Open Science and our goal is to promote DTU's research and education and to ensure that DTU openly and transparently profits from and utilizes scientific information.
DTU Findit, DTU Orbit and DTU data - and the integration between them – lie at the very core of DTU Library's digital Open Science infrastructure. By means of this infrastructure, DTU Library delivers streaming, communication, advice and teaching which - DTU Findit, DTU Orbit and DTU data - and the integration between them – lie at the very core of DTU Library's digital Open Science infrastructure.
DTU Findit is DTU's online library service. With DTU Findit you search all the literature that DTU Library provides access to covering the research areas of the university, i.e. natural and technical sciences. You search across the library's collection of books and journals, articles and information from all the major and minor publishers - you only need to go one place to search it all.
DTU Data is DTU's repository for publishing and indexing research data. DTU Data makes it possible to publish and find research data generated in research projects at DTU or by DTU researchers.
DTU Orbit is the official Research Database of DTU. All written publications where one or more DTU employees are affiliated as authors are registered in DTU Orbit. It is optional to register projects and activities. Thus, you can search all DTU research publications in DTU Orbit.
DTU Library also serves as the Danish national technical information center.