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About Ozgur Gulerler
Ozgur Gulerler is Chartering Manager at Green&Black Shipbrokers in Zorlu Center T0-36
Istanbul, . 34340, TR. Previously worked at Selay Shipping as Chartering Executive. Green&Black Shipbrokers is a Maritime Transportation company in Zorlu Center T0-36
Istanbul, . 34340, TR with 17 employees
Ozgur Gulerler Social
Ozgur Gulerler Work
Ozgur Gulerler is the Chartering Manager @Green&Black Shipbrokers, with experience in Chartering Executive @Selay Shipping
Green&Black is a logistics company. We offer vessel chartering services to the commodity traders and or the manufacturers who ever need to ship bulk commodities A to B globally . Our Chartering Department consists of specialised desks working on liquid bulk oil&gas, petroleum products, Lpg, ammoniac, dangerous and easy petrochemicals, vegoils, and dry bulk of all kind. With our physical global presence offices Europe Middle East Americas and Asia : any shipment in bulk liquid or gas or dry, we do handle professionally and with love.