WAU is a technology services focused company founded in 2002. We provide consulting services, development, migration and administration of cloud-based platforms. We specialize in the creation of high transactional volume and scalabel platforms to be implemented in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Within our services, we offer:
Whether for an existing or new platform (on-premise or in the cloud), our team of architects can help you plan the implementation and roll out of your project step by step; validating the dimension of the necessary resources and avoiding unnecessary costs. We can take care of the entire project, or work together with your technical team.
We plan the best strategy to bring the servers and services you have to the cloud. We can help you with architecture design, implementing best practices, growth planning, cost efficiency, security policies and more.
Our support team can manage your entire network or part of it for you. We have on demand or monthly plans for administration, monitoring and support of your services.
We offer a range of services oriented to Big Data, from architecture design, Data Warehouse migration, data source consolidation and business intelligence application development. We also go a step further and can help you implement Machine Learning to take full advantage of the data generated by your company.
Software Development
HQ Location
Diagonal 6, 12-42 zona 10, Edificio Design Center
Torre I Nivel 12 Oficina 1207
Guatemala, Guatemala 01010, GT
IntegratioServicios en la nubeConsultoría y DesarrolloMigración de serviciosMigración de bases de datosMigración hacia AmazoAlta transaccionaliOptimización de costos de AWSRPACustomer Joruney