3xP Global
We stand for People, Planet, Prosperity.
3XP Global is an Asset Management firm that aggregates a unique track record in terms of ESG Integration in the Investment Process and Active Role by supporting founders during the all life of the investments cycle. Sustainability Best Practices for Sustainable Investments are our Ethos!
Being the first financial company as a B Corp in Portugal, 3xP Global has the 17 United Nations SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) as key core values, sustained by the idea that along with sustainability comes return.
We are UN PRI signatories and follow the GRI Standards Reporting.
3XP Global invests in companies whose sustainable trends and practices create real value for investors while contributing to a more Sustainable EARTH.
Regulated and supervised by Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), 3XP Global ensures full Transparency, Integrity and Independence.
We are fully committed to lead all investments to increase companies' sustainability levels into business models.
Therefore, 3XP Global provides the leading platform Grow Sustainable connecting founders to international markets, from Europe to Asia and America.