Our entire business is focused on the research and implementation of high quality investment ideas which lead to sustainable long term performance advantages for our investors. We only invest in Africa ex-South Africa listed equities, and believe that this region demands a dedicated approach.
We employ the best people, who have the competence and energy to identify mis-priced listed equities in the imperfect information environment of African markets. Our senior investment team is fluent in French, Arabic and English. We
conduct more than 130 on the ground, in-country, company due diligences and site visits per year. Sustainable Capital has patiently built a team of investment professionals that have a combination of significant training and experience in
both investment analysis and sustainability research.
The team is incentivised through long-term equity participation in Sustainable Capital and is aligned with investors through co-investment in the funds. Through this alignment, Sustainable Capital has had no investment team turnover since inception which has a direct, and positive, impact on the quality of long-term investment decisions.
We understand the cost implications of investing in Africa’s frontier and emerging markets and are dedicated to be industry leaders in lowering fund costs for investors.
We have chosen the strongest partners and strive for the greatest level of transparency in all of our business and investment activities.