The Isiman software suite is a "low-code" tool for digitising the business processes of players in the finance, insurance, mutual insurance, industry, luxury goods, logistics and public admin-istration sectors.
Based on Java and Eclipse, it is certified for DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server data-bases and can be deployed "On-Premises" or in the Cloud on application servers such as IBM WebSphere or Apache Tomcat, in IBM i, Linux, AIX or Windows environments.
Built on this extensible technical foundation, the Isiman software suite offers numerous stand-ard components that are customisable, easy to use and quick to deploy, such as RGPD, Risk and Compliance Management in ISO 9001, ISO 27001 or related to Security and Finance laws such as Basel III.
These components are deployed for clients with strong performance and management needs for their most critical activities: fraud detection, anomaly tracking, pollution analysis, process audit, etc.
Isiman is an asset of Metrixware (