ONQU delivers a wide range of services related to business improvement using transformational technology such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
RPA is transforming organisations work structures by automating standard processes and labour intensive workstreams. RPA removes the need for employees to undertake repetitive, menial, error-prone and laborious tasks by capturing the process within a software program that runs with no human involvement.
Once Mapped the work routine can be set to operate continuously, error-free and with little or no downtime this improves efficiency, productivity, compliance, customer service and reduce costs significantly.
As there is little or no integration required, pilots to test the benefits of RPA can be implemented in days and the results can be identified immediately.
To ascertain if a process can be automated and whether it is a suitable candidate for automation please use the ONQU Process Cost Calculator below. Once identified ONQU can quickly assess whether it can be used as a pilot or text case and work out a Return on Investment (ROI) payback figure.
Once published the host organisation and sponsor can decide whether to pursue or find another candidate process.