Established in 1992, KINTO is the oldest and highly reputable asset management company dealing in Ukraine. KINTO witnessed the very beginning of Ukrainian stock market establishment and greatly contributed to its development. Serhiy Oksanych, PhD, is the founder and the President of KINTO
Analytical potential
International research and market survey companies, such as Thomson Financial, ISI and others, have regularly contracted analysts of the Company.
KINTO was the initiator and co-founder of leading professional associations: Association of the Securities Traders (AST), Ukrainian Association of Investment Business (UAIB), and First Ukrainian Information Trading System (PFTS).
Legal base development
KINTO experts are members in different working groups developing the new legislation in the sphere of securities and stock market, corporate governance, taxation, etc.
Participation in international organizations
KINTO is a founding member of the World Economic Forum's Community of Global Growth Companies. The Community targets at supporting new generation of companies that will fundamentally change the global competitive landscape.
KINTO is the member of the European Business Association (EBA). the premier organisation for foreign business in Ukraine which brings together about 750 European, including national, and international companies.
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