The anime studio creating anime "Operation ONI" in the traditional ink brush painting style named Sumi-e in Japan. Selected creators from different countries are working as a team, transcending languages and border barriers. Our goal is to bring this unique anime to the film festivals abroad and walk the red carpet.
✔ Operation ONI Official social media
✔ What is Sumi-e anime?
The backgrounds are drawn in traditional analog Sumi-e painting, and the characters are drawn in digital Sumi-e painting. We hope to surprise the world with this new type of animation that combines analog and digital - tradition and the latest technology.
✔ About this project
The length of the film is approximately 60 minutes. We have everything we need for the production, including characterization, script, and cast. (We may be looking for an assistant animator) However, because we do not have a large production team, it will take about 5 years to complete the film. We feel bad about keeping you waiting for 5 years, so we decided to divide the film into 4 parts and produce and release 15 minutes of each part every year (12-15 months). In the scripts, I created a climax and a cliffhanger every 15 minutes , so this anime can be enjoyed either by dividing it into four parts or by combining them. This way, our supporters will be able to enjoy our film every year or so. Our ultimate goal is to combine these four parts into a single movie and bring it to film festivals in the U.S. We would like to walk the red carpet. It is our dream.