Open Learning Group (OLG) is an accredited Private Higher Education Institution (PHEI), established in 1997. Qualifications are delivered through a blended distance learning model and learnerships, skills programmes and short learning programmes are delivered through contact sessions. OLG is committed to making a real difference in helping individuals realise their career aspirations and in doing so, contributing to a better-skilled Africa.
Students: We offer a range of accredited programmes that meet the highest academic and industry standards.
Further Education and Training (FET) learnerships, Skills Training and Short Learning Programmes: We partner with companies who want to develop employees professionally, through quality, accredited programmes.
Support services for educational institutions: We are leaders in providing education and training institutions with administrative and operational support.
Open Learning Group (Pty) Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kagiso Capital (KC)
OLG is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Private Higher Education Institution (PHEI), and is also registered on various SETAs’ databases as an approved provider (i.e. ETDP SETA, W&RSETA and TETA). OLG is currently a member of the South African Association of Freight Forwarders (SAAFF), the South African Express Parcel Association (SAEPA), and is also an active member of Association of Private Providers in Education, Training and Development (APPETD).