Arlington Community Theatre DBA Arlington Children's Theatre is a not-for-profit organization (EIN 04-3163888).
Founded in 1991, Arlington Children’s Theatre is dedicated to providing a unique, quality theatre program for families within the greater Boston area. ACT provides theatrical experiences that educate, inspire, and enrich the lives of children ages 7-18, their families, and the community. Our work with children centers on the educational process and the theatrical and interpersonal development of each individual participant. ALL are welcome to participate!
Every year Arlington Children's Theatre produces four plays and three musicals. Directorial staff are theatre professionals who embrace ACT's desire for children to have fun while being challenged to learn and grow. ACT offers school vacation programs for children ages 6-12, and workshops throughout the year that focus on teaching students beginning acting, dance, and song. ACT strives to make its registration fees affordable and are generally lower than peer organizations. ACT is dedicated to making its programming accessible to ALL children. Families needing assistance with registration fees are encouraged to send a confidential email to the Treasurer at
ACT cannot do its work without the support and participation of the parent volunteers in the ACT community. The parents who sew, build, buy, bake, create, write, corral, fund-raise, and photograph are the backbone of ACT.
Together, we can make theatre that inspires!