ArCa is the processing center and operator of ArCa National Payment System.
Armenian Card was established in March 2000 by Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia and Armenian commercial banks. Our goal is to develop and implement in the banking market of Armenia all the benefits that modern payment and development technologies can offer. Our highly qualified professional staff and the latest technical and software solutions allow commercial banks to produce and provide ArCa National payments system cards, as well as MasterCard, Visa, American Express, DCI (Diners Club International), МИР and JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) system cards.
What we do
Plastic card payment system overall administration and management
Card transactions processing
Merchant card transaction processing
ATMs and merchant registration
Clearing services for system members
Safety maintenance through 3D secure technology
Card personalization (electronic, graphical, mechanical)
SMS and USSD service for card transactions
Fraud monitoring and detection
24/7 call center