Song Saa Collective brings together the Song Saa Private Island, the Song Saa Foundation, Song Saa Reserve and Song Saa Design to create one clear vision. Through integrated hospitality, retail, solar energy, and property and investment enterprises, as well as a standard-setting foundation, Hong Kong-based Song Saa Collective combines ethics-led business practices and needs-based activism to honour the past and build better futures throughout Southeast Asia and beyond.
Song Saa’s first venture, the award-winning Song Saa Private Island, pioneered conservation-based luxury tourism in Cambodia’s Koh Rong Archipelago, working with surrounding villages, the Cambodian government and the private sector to improve local livelihoods.
The Song Saa Foundation was borne out of the founders' desire to retain the values of the Koh Rong Archipelago's people and their environment even further. It is dedicated to the protection of marine life, social and economic development, and conservation of mangrove and the rainforest with a vision focussed on protecting the region for future generations.
Link with us to be a part of our journey as we continue to grow our brand as a leader of sustainable development in the private sector.