Healing Justice Ldn (HJL) builds community-led health and healing to create capacity for personal and structural transformation. We work on a community, structural and movement level to repair and build the conditions for health and healing justice that dignify and support all of us to be well. Using a multi-layered multi-systems approach and cultural strategy, we work to disarm the cycles of harm, ill-health and chronic unsustainability that oppression reproduces in our communities and social justice movements. We nurture cultures towards futures free from intimate, interpersonal and structural violence.
HJL began as a collaboration by women of colour living in London. It builds on years of youth, community and survivor work, aiming to restore agency to communities to imagine and organise towards liberation. At HJL, we continue to lead from communities that are marginalised, to shape and determine our own health and well-being provisions and build radical alternative public health approaches.