Green Cameroon is an environmental organisation which is non-governmental (NGO), non-political, and non-discriminating.
It is a Non-Profit Organisation, founded in April 2003 with the aim of advocating and working for environmental protection and conservation of ecosystems as well as sustainable use of natural resources.
This association was formed with a strong commitment to fighting environmental problems in our communities like deforestation, desertification, unsustainable farming practices, improper waste disposal methods, water scarcity, health problems linked to sanitation and the general look warmness towards environmental and sustainable development issues.
Green Cameroon helps local community members to live better lives by improving on living standards alongside making scarce resources available for posterity.
That is also why, we are focusing our activities and information to local communities with most attention to woman, children and farmers.
Up Court, P.O. Box 96
Buea Town, Buea South West Region, CM
Tree nurseriesFuel efficient stovesMedicinal plant gardensSchool environmental Clubs and awerenessGlobal sensitisation campaignsAdvocacy campaignsand Education and training programs