INFLUX TECHNOLOGY provides market-leading automotive data management systems designed to work on multiple applications that can be taken ‘Out the box’ and be logging data within minutes. We also partners in world class automotive torque meters and laser sensors with the industrial leaders S.HIMMELSTEIN & RIFTEK.
Our parent company INFLUX TECHNOLOGY Ltd was formed in 1999 in UK and in India started its operation since 2019 at Bangalore as Influx Big Data Solutions Pvt Ltd. Typical Applications supported by Influx Technology include: OEM fleet durability testing (on and off highway), Engineering development and powertrain calibration, Vehicle component testing, Bench testing and after-market customer care (Collecting data on customer vehicles).
We are professional technical service providers to a global group of Corporations and Organisations from automobile and industrial engineering. Our current objective is to make its global presence by expanding our Client Base within the Automotive R&D Sector and the manufacturing industrial sector to offer frugal innovative products and services to support the sustainability of our clients in the competitive economy.