The Gangnam GVC, located in the center of Gangnam, serves as the first point of contact for international key employees such as managers, entrepreneurs, researchers, scientists, and diplomats. According to the “one-stop-service” principle, expatriates and their families are provided with all the initial information they need.
“How do I get my Alien Registration Card?”, “What is the right insurance for my family?”, -these and other issues are addressed in our advisory service for expatriates – free, individual and customized. We assist you in taking your first steps in their new place of residence. Thus, our center becomes the central service point, helping with an efficient, pleasant and successful start and life in Korea.
The Gangnam Global Village Center also focuses on the establishing of networks both within the expat community and with the Korean people and companies. A broad variety of activities and events ensure that expatriates and their families find their way around Korea right from the start and help to adopt Korean culture faster
We have a vast array of experience regarding all aspects of living in Korea. From applications for work visa and residence permits, to prepare Korean job resume, we help expats settle into Korean life and culture. Our team is here to make your life easier and to help you feel like a ’local’ in Korea.