In 2001, Matt and his wife, Susie, established The Light Foundation – a non-profit organization that exists to give at-risk kids a better chance at leading healthy lives by using the great outdoors to learn and grow. It wasn’t long after being established that the Light Foundation purchased and began developing 500+ acres of Ohio land as the site for Chenoweth Trails facility, where it holds its outdoor leadership camp, Camp Vohokase, every summer. A hand selected group of young men from around the country are taught the values of hard work, responsibility and accountability. Light and his team follow these kids all year round to ensure they stay on track. The main mission: to provide them opportunities to reach their highest potential and become mentors to their peers. The Light Foundation also establishes partnerships with other nonprofits to better serve the needs of the greater community, and holds a variety of onsite programs at Chenoweth Trails. In addition, the organization provides academic scholarships to deserving young student leaders in Ohio and New England. The Light Foundation gives kids opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have to get outside and take on a challenge or to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits. Giving back has always been a primary pillar in our philosophy to help kids succeed in life.