Nicole Gonzalez
Data Intern At Ew Stokes at Focus (Friends Of Choice In Urban Schools)
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Work Experience
Data Intern At Ew Stokes
Sep 2019 - Present · 5 years and 3 months
Evaluation And Analysis Intern
Sep 2019 - Present · 5 years and 3 months
Schroeder Institute Intern
Aug 2018 - Sep 2019 · 1 years and 1 months
Company Details
Mission: FOCUS supports the diverse set of public charter schools in DC by advocating for and strengthening autonomy, equity, and quality. Vision: Quality public school choices for every DC student. Since 1996, FOCUS has been the primary advocate for public charter schools in Washington, DC. From helping write the law that created public charter schools in DC, to developing the facilities allowance that enables schools to access appropriate buildings, advocating for the autonomy public charter schools need to be successful, FOCUS’s work has ensured that public charter schools have the necessary freedom and funding to create the current quality school options for DC families. In addition, FOCUS has played a substantial role in ensuring the health of DC’s public charter schools through its comprehensive start-up program as well as a wide variety of technical assistance programs for schools. Today, there are 114 public charter schools in the District serving 39,000 students, affording students and families the power of choice in their education.
Year Founded
Social Media
Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
1436 U St. NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20009, US
Advocating for DC’s public charter schools most important needsConsulting and training programsProviding the tools and guidance for creating charter school applicationsCollecting and analyzing annual performance datProfessional development workshops
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