Red Apple Cheese is a company dedicated to producing the highest quality natural cheeses that are healthy, delicious and affordable. We have been in business since 1996 and have expanded to offer our cheeses in some of the largest grocery store chains in the country. We currently offer 7 different brands of cheese including Apple Smoked Cheese, Naturally Good Kosher, Red Apple Cheese, Lifetime Cheese, Skinny Cheese, Screaming Dutchman and Cracker Top
All of our Apple Smoked cheeses are made from 100% natural milk. Prior to smoking, the cheeses are extra-aged to enhance taste. Our cheese masters then slowly, meticulously, naturally cold-smoke each piece of cheese for six hours using a special aged Apple smoke and hardwood to achieve our unique flavor profile. A hint of apple flavor can be tasted in each sharp rich flavored piece.
Our smoked cheeses are great as table cheeses, to complement your favorite fruit plates, shredded on tacos, shredded on pizza, added to traditional Italian dishes, or as toppings on warm veggies and burgers.
Naturally Good Kosher cheeses promote a healthy way of life. Our Cheeses are 100% all natural. We maintain highly supervised production guidelines to ensure the best quality and flavor. Our Cheeses are vegetarian and use no animal rennet.
Naturally Good Kosher cheese is produced under strict Quality and Food Safety Assurance guidelines.
Lifetime Cheeses are exceptionally delicious cheeses that exceed your dietary desires for a healthy and active lifestyle. Reduce fat and cholesterol without sacrificing taste or variety!
Lifetime's wide range of flavors offer you the flexibility to select the cheese that best fits into your diet and menu ideas. Choose from flavors like Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar, Swiss, Jalapeno Jack, Mozzarella, Monterey Jack, Mild Mexican & Garden Vegetable.
We stick to using natural ingredients and cow milk not treated with rBST hormones. Better ingredients make better cheese.
Food and Beverage Manufacturing, Organic Foods & Supplements, Laxatives, Drugs, Vitamins & Supplements, Other, Cigarette, Tobacco & Cigar Flavorings & Flavors, Food & Food Products
HQ Location
Greater Detroit Area,Great Lakes,Midwestern US
The Best Apple Smoked CheeseLifetime Healthy CheeseNaturally Good Kosherand Vegetarian Cheeses