Pulse Foundation turns entrepreneurship as a powerful driver of emancipation for all, at the service of an inclusive and sustainable society.
Pulse Foundation responds to the societal challenges of entrepreneurship by supporting associations working to foster entrepreneurial awareness and education, by providing support to entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey, and by bringing the voice of entrepreneurs to the forefront of public debate.
The foundation articulates her work through 7 leverages and addresses those leverages in three ways: partnerships, innovation and advocacy
1. Entrepreneurial culture
2. Access
3. Internationalization
4. Second chance
5. Administration
6. Ecosystem
7. Talent recruitement
In 2018, the Foundation launched her first in-house programme, a scale-up accelerator called BEyond Belgium (www.be-yond.be). The objective with this programme is to help Belgian scale-ups to thrive on the international scene.
In 2020, right during the pandemic, the Foundation launched her second in-house programme, Revival Belgium (www.revival.be). The objective with this programme is to help entrepreneurs that went bankrupt to bounce back personally and professionally.
Next to those in-house programmes, the Foundation supports and accompanies many other initiatives that takes action in the 7 leverages identified.
If you want to know more about us or get in touch with us, visit our website : www.pulsefoundation.be