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About Nicola Milesi
Nicola Milesi is Project Manager at Samac S.p.A. in via della Ferriera 34
Vobarno, BS 25079, IT. Previously worked at Test Industry - Leonardo as Project Manager. Samac S.p.A. is a Automation Machinery Manufacturing company in via della Ferriera 34
Vobarno, BS 25079, IT with 66 employees
From 1975 on Samac provides customized equipment for automated assembly and testing processes of mechanical, electromechanical and hydromechanical components. The service starts from the development of the solution to the after-sales, passing through the design, manufacturing and installation. Our plants, located on global scale, are applied in several industrial sectors, in particular automotive, domotics, hydraulics, oil & gas.
Striving for a continuous innovation, we offer not only Lean Manufacturing solutions with integrated SCADA systems, but also plants already predisposed to the interconnection according to the governmental “Piano Industria 4.0” model, by integrating the latest cutting edge production technologies.
In a world of restless evolution, Samac constantly looks for specialized resources and technological partners, both in Italy and abroad, to face together the present and future technological and internationalization challenges.