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About Nicola Mercer
Nicola Mercer is Event Coordinator at Merry-go-round Glasgow in 34 Nithsdale Road
Glasgow, Scotland G41 2AN, GB. Previously worked at Jiggy Wrigglers as Jiggy Wrigglers Franchisee. Merry-go-round Glasgow is a Retail company in 34 Nithsdale Road
Glasgow, Scotland G41 2AN, GB with 8 employees
Merry-go-round is a social enterprise and registered charity aspiring to be the first choice for parents in Glasgow. Our shop offers high-quality, affordable pre-loved essential items as well as being a community hub for families to meet,l earn, exchange ideas, relax and be supported. We’re changing the perception of second-hand goods, saving families money, improving mental health and wellbeing, and reducing the quantity of new goods purchased.
We are honoured to be the winners of the Scottish and UK Environmental Social Enterprise of the Year award.
circular economybaby classessupporting parentssecond hand goodssupporting families in neecommunity actiovolunteeringethical fashiobreastfeeding support