Nico Zuijdervliet
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The NOvA was established by the Act on Advocates (Advocatenwet) with effect from 1 October 1952. All lawyers in the Netherlands jointly form the NOvA. The NOvA is established by law, but does not receive any government funding. All costs incurred by the NOvA are being paid for by the lawyers through an annual financial contribution to the Netherlands Bar. As a result, the NOVA is completely independent of the government. Organisation The Netherlands is judicially divided into eleven judicial districts (regions), the jurisdictions of the courts. The lawyers in a judicial district form the (local) bar within the judicial district where the lawyer holds office. Each local bar is chaired by a council of the local bar (raad van de orde) and a local bar president. A local bar president is chosen by the lawyers in the judicial district. The local bar president is responsible for the supervision of all lawyers in the judicial district. The general management is a task of the general council (algemene raad, AR). The NOvA is headed by a secretary general. The secretary general is in charge of the daily management. The general council is supported by the office of the NOvA. The office carries out policies and prepares proposals which are of importance to the legal profession. The office consists of four departments: Communications, Finance and Organization, Policy and Regulations and Supervision. The office employs approximately 60 employees. The NOvA draws up regulations and rules for the legal profession. The adoption thereof is done by the board of representatives (college van afgevaardigden). The 54 deputies of the board are all chosen by lawyers in their own judicial district/region. International memberships The NOvA is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA) and the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE).
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Law Practice, Advocaten en advocatenkantoren, Justitie, Advocaten, Belastingen en Justitie
HQ Location
Prinses Beatrixlaan 5 Den Haag, 2595 AK, NL
voorlichting en dienstverlening aan leden; tuchtrechtspraak; advisering aan de overheid over beleidsvoornemens en wetsontwerpen
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