Apex is a specialist independent fund & financial product distribution company, with headquarters in the Isle of Man. Working in partnership with a selected range of regulated fund managers, to represent & distribute their fund strategies to our global network of wealth specialists, family offices and advisory networks.
Our professional introducers are based all over the world but we focus strongly on promotion of our products and services in both Latin America and the Asian regions.
Our investment product range is focused on generating consistent positive alpha across non-market correlated asset classes within fully regulated Luxembourg investment fund structures. Each investment fund is accessible directly, or via International Life Companies & Investment Platforms.
To compliment our fund products, we also represent a fully regulated Isle of Man based trading platform. With a keen focus on promotion of the platform services across both Latin America and the Asia regions, where demand is high to provide alternatives to the traditional life company products. Our trading platform is open architecture and provides full online functionality, matched to a range of exclusive charging structures that provide flexible commission options.
Pre-Paid card services, arranged in conjunction with our UK regulated MasterCard issuer, we have integrated the MasterCard facility into the trading platform as a streamlined and efficient route for investors to access their offshore returns.
Apex provides our professional introducers with best-of-best products and services, matched with exclusive commercial terms & high levels of on-going support and resource. Feel free to get in touch to arrange a call and discuss development of business.