MEET K2 ▶ Our Partners are restructuring experts who invest in companies that have committed boards and assets that others find difficult to value. As turnaround investors, we back the Directors of companies when facing a crisis and bring a level of understanding of the business as Directors and Shareholders of many businesses that are now successful after having been turned around.
OUR BACKGROUND ▶ K2 Partners are all turnaround professionals and most have over 30 years experience of implementing the financial and strategic restructuring of businesses to improve cash flow, organise the business for profits and lay foundations for growth. While our experience covers a wide variety of sectors, we focus on Industrial and Manufacturing businesses and also like Technology and Branded products.
OUR INVESTMENTS ▶ Typically we back Directors who come to us worried about the impact of COVID-19 on their business and cashflow. Many are concerned that the financial difficulty that their business is facing is impacting their credit terms, supply chain and overall morale in their team. A few are desperately seeking cash or credit and yet the banks don’t value the real assets in their business and see them as unworthy of financial assistance.
HOW WE HELP ▶ The current global crisis has exposed inefficient businesses models. Boards need to not only ensure their companies survive in the short term by managing tactically, but must prepare and position their business for long term success by thinking and resourcing strategically. We partner with companies, to back those facing a crisis, with expertise, advice and guidance on becoming more resilient, stable and profitable.
LET’S TALK ▶ Not everyone qualifies for investment. To book a Discovery Call for us to learn about you, and you to learn about us, use this link: or call 020 7720 8000 or email:
#Restructuring #Investment #Trunaround #Finance