The MLI is the world’s most comprehensive professional machine learning certificate in quantitative finance. The seven-month part-time course is comprised of 2 levels, 3 Primers, 8 modules, 36 lectures, practical examples, case studies & exercises, module tests, a practical final project and a final examination.
New lectures for cohort 10 include:
Training LLMs for Quant Finance
GPT-3: Key Concepts & Use Cases
Foundation NLP Models for ESG data extraction
Building Neural Networks
Deep learning, machine intelligence and consciousness
3 Primers:
Mathematics for Machine Learning
Python for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Python Techniques
8 Modules / 36 Lectures
Supervised learning
Deep learning
Unsupervised learning and alternative data
Practitioner’s approach to machine learning
Reinforcement learning
Time Series
NLP, Generative AI & Large Language Models
Quantum machine learning